Khush Wadhwa (khush-wadhwa)

kwadhwa50 [ at ] stuy [ dot ] edu

Hailing from Bayside, Queens, sports editor Khush Wadhwa amplifies his support for various New York and international teams into his writing. An avid hockey, soccer, rugby, cricket, and baseball fan, Wadhwa can often be found rooting for the underdog and takes no shame in writing about it. In his spare time, you might find him on the Long Island Railroad or planning long travel itineraries that he cannot afford to take.

Khush Wadhwa's art, photos, and other media:

Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work
Khush Wadhwa's work