New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang hosted a town hall webinar for NYC high school students to respond to questions and concerns about his political campaign.
Issue 12, Volume 111
In order to bolster student engagement during remote learning, Stuyvesant has begun various schoolwide community building initiatives, including tours around the buildings, homeroom Mix&Match meetings, and Flipgrid conversations.
Issue 6, Volume 111
The Spectator conducted interviews with Stuyvesant teachers to gather their input about the upcoming school year.
Issue 1, Volume 111
Stuyvesant collaborated with the Alumni Association to host a forum featuring student and alumni panelists to discuss racism and the steps needed to change the racial dynamic within and outside of the school community.
Issue 17, Volume 110
Seniors Allen Wang and Sara Stebbins, along with the SU’s External Affairs department, organized a second Tiny Desk Concert via livestream.
ARISTA has expanded its tutoring services to all Manhattan students and has also introduced their Phone Angels program.
Issue 16, Volume 110
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Elections has decided to move all SU elections to the fall.
Issue 15, Volume 110
To the dismay of students and faculty alike, spring break, which was supposed to last from April 9 to 17, has been canceled with schools mandated to continue remote learning during the days originally designated for break.
Issue 13, Volume 110
Issue 12, Volume 110
Student opinions and administration statements on locker regulations and recent confiscations.
Issue 7, Volume 110