Arts and Entertainment
The Failure of "It Chapter 2"
Despite its excellent predecessor, as well as having a talented cast and likable characters, “It Chapter 2” fails to scare, entertain, or justify its incredible...
Contract Killer or the Killer Contract?
By Jonathan Xu
A senior forges his parents’ signature on his student contracts, gets caught, and has to spend the rest of his life handing out fruit in...
The Revolutionary “Sleep Talk” Program
With the end of September, a majority of Stuyvesant students have resorted back to their abnormal, screwed-up sleeping habits. Sleep deprivation is spreading faster than...
Minutes Ideas to Try at Home
Critiquing popular ideas used for minutes that aren’t necessarily good.
Stuyvesant Capital Program, 2019-2029
Hello, Spectator readers! We of the Humor department have some wonderful news. Through our advanced eavesdropping tactics such as holding a glass against the Student...
Dear My VSCO-haters...
By Erica Sugimura, Liam Kronman
Hi, my name is Bellamy (my friends call me Liz or Lizzy for short), and I am a VSCO girl. “What’s VSCO?” you ask. It...
Has Your Fantasy Football Team Left You Fulfilled or Frustrated? Depends on Your Picks
As the first few weeks of the regular season come to a close, there are many issues to talk about that will have a huge...
The Land of the Free
By Ruoxin Cai
The first time a high school student feels truly free of their dark ages is in sophomore year.
A Solid Start for the Greyducks
The Stuyvesant boys’ cross country team, the Greyducks, had its first meet at the Xavier Invitational on September 22.
Arts and Entertainment
Ad Astra: A Philosophical Space Sleeper Hit
Arts & Entertainment editor Jacqueline Thom examines the elements that make “Ad Astra” a great work of cinema.
Can’t Touche Dis Fencer—An Interview with Tazman Libson
Tazman LibsonHeight: 6’1”Eye color: BrownHair color: Dark BlondBirthday: 3/13/20021. When did you start fencing?I started fencing 10 years ago. I went to a fencing summer...
Stuyvesant Sports Are Coming Back—With or Without the PSAL
Stuyvesant sports teams are unofficially engaging in unique ways. Here’s a look at some of them.
Arts and Entertainment
III’rd Time’s the Charm
Arts & Entertainment writer Morris Raskin gives his take on the new Lumineers album.
“The Sights and the Smells, the Feelings and the Fear”: A 9/11 Story at Stuyvesant
“My saddest memory from that day is when we were all walking down the West Side Highway and seeing one of my students, a boy...
Administration Addresses Cafeteria Challenges
By Emma Donnelly, James Lee, Madelyn Mao, Theo Schiminovich
In a school with more than 3000 students, rules must be implemented to keep all the students safe. Responding to safety concerns regarding overcrowding in...
The Notes on Stuyvesant’s Musicians
A spotlight on the creators behind the stage and the performers under it.
The Unconventional Side of the Employment Spectrum
By Ellen Pehlivanian, Julie Weiner
An insight into the lives of students at Stuyvesant whose parents have unique, interesting, or unconventional occupations, and how their parents’ experiences affect them.
Reconstructing the Denisovan Anatomy
After discovering the existence of a third taxonomic group, the Denisovans, among Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, scientists have been able to reconstruct a model of...
Vaping: A National Epidemic
By Arthur Liang
Vaping has become a national epidemic among high school students. Here’s what we can do about it.
From Classroom to Climate Strike
By Catherine Dell'Olio, Javed Jokhai, Jessica Jiang, Nicole Burek, Shreya Paul, Victoria Gao
Students walked out to join the Climate Strike led by Greta Thunberg on September 20.
Will the Saudi Strikes Lead to Another Endless War?
By Matthew Qiu
The U.S.’s unwavering commitment to Saudi Arabia, in light of vices like the Yemeni Civil War and the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, has made the...
No, One Size Does Not Fit All
By Aya Alryyes
By only catering to the smallest of sizes, the clothing brand Brandy Melville excludes most young women and girls from feeling beautiful and accepted, contributing...
Crashing the Party
Political parties are a detriment to American society that ought to be abolished.
Breaking Trump’s Monopoly On Immigration Policy
By Aaron Visser
The Democrats have failed to truly address one of the most divisive issues of the 2020 election: immigration.
LinkedIn to Espionage: The Growing Chinese Threat
With the rise of Chinese espionage through social media, it’s a fight against time to build links between Western governments and the private sector.

What Failure Teaches You that Success Can’t
By Claire Shin
My repeated failures in 10th grade taught me values that I couldn’t have learned if I got an 'easy 99.'
Arts and Entertainment
The Failure of "It Chapter 2"
Despite its excellent predecessor, as well as having a talented cast and likable characters, “It Chapter 2” fails to scare, entertain, or justify its incredible...
Contract Killer or the Killer Contract?
By Jonathan Xu
A senior forges his parents’ signature on his student contracts, gets caught, and has to spend the rest of his life handing out fruit in...
The Revolutionary “Sleep Talk” Program
With the end of September, a majority of Stuyvesant students have resorted back to their abnormal, screwed-up sleeping habits. Sleep deprivation is spreading faster than...
Minutes Ideas to Try at Home
Critiquing popular ideas used for minutes that aren’t necessarily good.
Stuyvesant Capital Program, 2019-2029
Hello, Spectator readers! We of the Humor department have some wonderful news. Through our advanced eavesdropping tactics such as holding a glass against the Student...
Dear My VSCO-haters...
By Erica Sugimura, Liam Kronman
Hi, my name is Bellamy (my friends call me Liz or Lizzy for short), and I am a VSCO girl. “What’s VSCO?” you ask. It...
Has Your Fantasy Football Team Left You Fulfilled or Frustrated? Depends on Your Picks
As the first few weeks of the regular season come to a close, there are many issues to talk about that will have a huge...
The Land of the Free
By Ruoxin Cai
The first time a high school student feels truly free of their dark ages is in sophomore year.
A Solid Start for the Greyducks
The Stuyvesant boys’ cross country team, the Greyducks, had its first meet at the Xavier Invitational on September 22.
Arts and Entertainment
Ad Astra: A Philosophical Space Sleeper Hit
Arts & Entertainment editor Jacqueline Thom examines the elements that make “Ad Astra” a great work of cinema.
Can’t Touche Dis Fencer—An Interview with Tazman Libson
Tazman LibsonHeight: 6’1”Eye color: BrownHair color: Dark BlondBirthday: 3/13/20021. When did you start fencing?I started fencing 10 years ago. I went to a fencing summer...
Stuyvesant Sports Are Coming Back—With or Without the PSAL
Stuyvesant sports teams are unofficially engaging in unique ways. Here’s a look at some of them.
The Duke of New York
By Krish Gupta
A new era for the New York Giants has begun with rookie Daniel Jones replacing veteran Eli Manning as starting quarterback.
Arts and Entertainment
Cheap Ass Lunch #2: Tasty Chicken and Variety at Cuisine K
Choosing a food cart is a no-brainer for most people—they know what they want...
Arts and Entertainment
III’rd Time’s the Charm
Arts & Entertainment writer Morris Raskin gives his take on the new Lumineers album.
“The Sights and the Smells, the Feelings and the Fear”: A 9/11 Story at Stuyvesant
“My saddest memory from that day is when we were all walking down the West Side Highway and seeing one of my students, a boy...

On “AP Physics I is a Sham”: New Mandatory AP Physics Course Faces Controversy
By Grace Cantarella, Julie Weiner, Lucy Bao, Subyeta Chowdhury
The administration’s decision to make AP Physics I mandatory for all juniors has been controversial among both teachers and students.
Administration Addresses Cafeteria Challenges
By Emma Donnelly, James Lee, Madelyn Mao, Theo Schiminovich
In a school with more than 3000 students, rules must be implemented to keep all the students safe. Responding to safety concerns regarding overcrowding in...
The Notes on Stuyvesant’s Musicians
A spotlight on the creators behind the stage and the performers under it.
The Unconventional Side of the Employment Spectrum
By Ellen Pehlivanian, Julie Weiner
An insight into the lives of students at Stuyvesant whose parents have unique, interesting, or unconventional occupations, and how their parents’ experiences affect them.
Reconstructing the Denisovan Anatomy
After discovering the existence of a third taxonomic group, the Denisovans, among Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, scientists have been able to reconstruct a model of...
Vaping: A National Epidemic
By Arthur Liang
Vaping has become a national epidemic among high school students. Here’s what we can do about it.
From Classroom to Climate Strike
By Catherine Dell'Olio, Javed Jokhai, Jessica Jiang, Nicole Burek, Shreya Paul, Victoria Gao
Students walked out to join the Climate Strike led by Greta Thunberg on September 20.
Will the Saudi Strikes Lead to Another Endless War?
By Matthew Qiu
The U.S.’s unwavering commitment to Saudi Arabia, in light of vices like the Yemeni Civil War and the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, has made the...
No, One Size Does Not Fit All
By Aya Alryyes
By only catering to the smallest of sizes, the clothing brand Brandy Melville excludes most young women and girls from feeling beautiful and accepted, contributing...
Crashing the Party
Political parties are a detriment to American society that ought to be abolished.
Breaking Trump’s Monopoly On Immigration Policy
By Aaron Visser
The Democrats have failed to truly address one of the most divisive issues of the 2020 election: immigration.
LinkedIn to Espionage: The Growing Chinese Threat
With the rise of Chinese espionage through social media, it’s a fight against time to build links between Western governments and the private sector.