Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education Richard Carranza announced that the period from November 2 to 15 would be the only opportunity for families to opt into blended learning for the 2020 to 2021 school year.
Issue 5, Volume 111
Starting on October 19, Stuyvesant reduced the number of blended cohorts from four to two.
Issue 4, Volume 111
In alignment with public health guidance and nationwide school closures due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the College Board canceled the SAT and SAT Subject Test (SAT II) administrations scheduled for June 6.
Issue 14, Volume 110
To the dismay of seniors, the June graduation ceremony has been canceled in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Board of Regents has canceled the June 2020 Regents Exams.
Issue 13, Volume 110
Zoom, a popular video conferencing platform used by teachers and students for remote learning, has been banned by the Department of Education due to recent privacy concerns.
Stuyvesant’s Model United Nations Team participated in TechMUNC on January 4, 2020.
Issue 9, Volume 110