The Stuyvesant badminton team won the holiday door decorating contest hosted by the administration on December 23.
Issue 9, Volume 113
Activist and author Alex Gino (’95) was invited to speak to English teacher Annie Thoms’s Writing to Make Change classes on genderqueer advocacy. Both Gino and the audience members reflect on the importance of LGBTQ+ activism, progress made in this area, and room for further change.
Issue 5, Volume 113
Stuyvesant students combat climate change as Blue Planet Alliance youth ambassadors.
Issue 3, Volume 113
COVID-19 restrictions have been loosened with continuing precautions for the upcoming 2022 in-person school year.
Issue 1, Volume 113
Students and teachers reflect on the NYSED’s recent decision to cancel the administration of the US History and Government Regents
Issue 16, Volume 112
The Stuyvesant Environmental Club returns to farming in the Stewardship Lab at the Battery Urban Farm.