Aries Ho (aries-ho)

aho11 [ at ] stuy [ dot ] edu

Aries Ho ('21) is an artist for the Art Department. Her favorite things to draw are portraits and still life. In her free time, she enjoys reading manga and webcomics and bothering her sister.

Aries Ho's art, photos, and other media:

Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work
Aries Ho's work