SING! Top Fives
Here are the Editorial Board’s Top Fives for SING! 2023.
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- Lust (Oliver Hollmann, seniors)
Oliver Hollmann brought the heat to Sin City with his portrayal of Lust. As the flamboyant playboy from Hell, Hollmann captured the spontaneous and seductive nature of the sin who lusts after almost anyone in sight. Hollmann’s charismatic character was the perfect comedic relief to the murderous tension looming in Sin City. Every time he walked on stage, laughter was always anticipated from the audience, whom Hollmann seduced with his intuitive charm. From failing to serenade Pain and Panic, and breaking out in his stellar performance of “El Tango de Roxanne,” Hollmann established that his talents extend beyond acting. From beginning to end, Hollmann’s captivating presence was always felt, even when the spotlight wasn’t on him, securing Hollmann the best main acting performance.
- Agni (Dinah-Luba Beylison, juniors)
Agni, played by junior Dinah-Luba Beylison, was a bubbly friend looking to have a good time at summer camp. Throughout the show, Beylison brought energy to the stage, continuously rescuing her friend Agni from any harm, from picking her up after tug-of-war to taking the blame of Claire for Skylar’s murder. Some of the most heartbreaking moments for this character came from Claire herself blaming Agni for Skylar’s murder and turning away from her as a result. In particular, Agni’s breathtaking rendition of “She Used to Be Mine” epitomized the feeling of forbidden romance after Claire’s confession that she used to love her. One cannot help but root for Agni, making Claire’s resolution with her at the end particularly poignant.
- Queen Lilith (Andrea Wang, soph-frosh)
Sophomore Andrea Wang brought a funny—almost drunken—performance to Soph-Frosh SING!, playing Queen Lilith, the power-hungry mother of King Andrias who yearned to take the throne from her incompetent son. Wang’s artistic acting gave life to the queen and made her one of the most likable and funny characters. She got the entire audience to laugh at her character’s desire for alcohol and had a wonderful singing performance that lit up the theater. Overall, Wang was one of the best actors in the show and was able to portray the queen as a layered and dynamic character.
- Envy (Andrea Nalywajko, seniors)
Andrea Nalywajko’s expressions and tone captured the essence of Envy. With Envy’s omnipresent desire to be in the spotlight, Nalywajko effortlessly portrayed Envy’s increasing discontent with each word uttered by Pride. The tension between Envy and Pride was well conveyed with Nalywajko’s shaking hand holding a knife high, ready to strike. At the same time, Nalywajko also gave Envy a sentimental side through her close relations with Wrath. She was able to portray both Envy’s cold and warm sides through her convincing scowl and acting.
- Geraldine (Ashvica Sinha, soph-frosh)
Geraldine, played by freshman Ashvica Sinha, brought a wonderful display to Soph-Frosh SING! as the protagonist and anti-hero of the show. Geraldine attempts to kill King Andrias, played by David Son, because of the lack of respect and wanting to have a ruler who appreciates her talent in singing. Sinha delivered a performance as a character that could be hard to relate with but that instead captured the audience’s empathy and heart. While her attempted murder was unsuccessful, Sinha had a strong performance that engaged the audience and had plenty of highlights, such as her rendition of “Feeling Good” and humorous shock when seeing King Andrias alive.
Honorable Mentions: Pride (Berry Ongan, seniors) and King Andrias (David Son, soph-frosh)
- Used to be Mine (Dinah-Luba Beylison, juniors)
Junior Dinah-Luba Beylison’s exceptional “Used to Be Mine” solo captivated the theater’s attention with her incredible vocal range and singing skill. With each flawless build up to the highs and each descent to the lows, the audience madly cheered in approval, unable to contain their emotions. There was not a single dull moment during her heart-wrenching, powerful verses. Despite being the only character on stage, Beylison’s energetic voice loudly proclaimed its presence, enveloping the entirety of the stage and extending to the rest of the vast theater.
- El Tango de Roxanne (Oliver Hollmann, seniors)
Senior Oliver Hollmann’s performance of “El Tango de Roxanne” was without question one of the most jaw-dropping moments of Senior SING!. Despite the caliber of the sweeping instrumentals, incredible Latin stunts, and brilliant lighting, Hollmann’s vocals still unquestionably shined. His gruff, yearning vocals brought goosebumps to one’s skin and perfectly exemplified the feeling of lust. The choice of “El Tango of Roxanne” was a difficult one, but with his vocals and passion, Hollmann flawlessly matched Ewan McGregor and Jacek Koman’s performance in Moulin Rouge.
- Hopelessly Devoted to You (Andrea Wang, soph-frosh)
In her rendition of “Hopelessly Devoted to You,” sophomore Andrea Wang as Queen Lilith discussed how she feels overlooked and underappreciated by the incompetent King Andrias, venting her character’s frustration in a beautiful musical soliloquy highlighting her vocal range and abilities. This was a pivotal moment for the character, and a standout vocal performance for all of Soph-Frosh SING!.
- Habanera (Andrea Nalywajko, seniors)
Time froze as Envy was dealt a difficult decision: kill Pride and take the throne, or yield to Pride and save Wrath. Andrea Nalywajko’s opera rendition of “Habanera” reverberated throughout the theater and sent shockwaves across the audience as she contemplated this dilemma. Nalywajko’s impressive vocals allowed for a transparent look into the psyche of Envy’s complicated nature as she made such a consequential decision. Her impressive vocal range persisted all throughout the song, holding the attention of the audience in this tense moment.
- Feeling Good (Ashvica Sinha, soph-frosh)
Leading up to Geraldine’s performance of “Feeling Good,” no one had yet heard the extent of freshman Ashvica Sinha’s voice, with Sinha instead being represented as a bumbling, comedic protagonist. The song started slowly, with Sinha’s vocals slowly building up, but after the beat dropped, Sinha’s range was able to fully shine. With impressive belting, extensive trills, and a maniacal undertone, she was able to provoke chills in each and every audience member and established a clear vision of her potential power.
- Senior Bolly
Senior Bolly’s black and golden outfits were some of the most stunning in the performance, paired with the most skilled and impressive dance routine. Through upbeat movements, spins, and acting, the crew told a story in the dance, making it impossible to tear your eyes away from the performance, truly capturing their show with their mesmerizing moves.
- Soph-Frosh Latin
Despite being performed by underclassmen, soph-frosh Latin exceeded that of nearly every other dance crew across all grades. The routine was full of pair dancing and everything from flips to spins, shocking the audience with the dancers’ immense talent and skill. With two performances, the routine shocked and impressed the crowd.
- Junior Modern
As the graceful crew waltzed in, they brought with them transcendent nature of waves to Camp Smoking Hot. Their delicate and seamless twirls complemented Arshia Mazumder’s rendition of “Dusk Till Dawn.” Their cartwheels and effortless stunts established them as a memorable aspect of the show.
- Senior Latin
In accordance with the sultry theme of “El Tango de Roxanne,” senior Latin was a passionate and eye-catching spectacle. With backbending kicks and spins, the performance perfectly represented the theme of lust, and the jaw-dropping stunts only added to it. Likewise, their dancing during “Sway” matched the mood precisely, with this more upbeat number greatly contributing to the song’s illusion.
- Soph-Frosh Bolly
Soph-frosh Bolly’s upbeat performance of “Sooraj Dooban Hain” was a standout of Soph-Frosh SING!. With the graceful movement of the dancers and the high-tempo music, it was an incredibly fun watch for the audience.
Honorable mentions: senior flow, senior hip-hop
- Lust’s Makeup (Oliver Hollmann, seniors)
- Envy’s Costume (Andrea Nalywajko, seniors)
- Greed’s Makeup (Max Hesse, seniors)
- Senior Bolly’s Costumes (seniors)
- Wrath’s Costume (Ben Balodis, seniors)
Honorable mentions: Jester (Ashvica Sinha, soph-frosh), Sloth’s Nightgown (Christian Tai, seniors), Ivy’s Dress (Lily Wagman, soph-frosh)
- Skylar (David Jiang, juniors)
Skylar, played by junior David Jiang, was a refreshing and much-needed source of comedy for Junior SING!. With his unrequited advances toward Claire and his cumbersome saxophone, every appearance on theme was met with immense laughter and excitement. Even in death, Skylar was a standout character with memorable moments, from his attempted resuscitation to him being dragged off the stage.
- Theodore (Dylan Ross, soph-frosh)
Theodore, the opening character for Soph-Frosh SING!, was dragged onto the stage by fan-favorite dynamic duo, Mr. Citron and Ms. Maggio. Sophomore Dylan Ross played the role of the king’s advisor with perfect diction, execution, and confidence. Not to forget, he never failed to crack the crowd up with an improvised joke or by saving the show from mistakes.
- Sloth (Christian Tai, seniors)
Senior Christian Tai played Sloth, the embodiment of the sleepy Stuyvesant student trope. Donning an oversized white robe and comfortable slippers, and dragging a life-sized teddy bear alongside him, Sloth dragged himself across the stage and didn’t fail to get a laugh from the audience due to his delayed sleepy responses and relatable nature.
- Narrator (Rachel Alvarez, soph-frosh)
Sophomore Rachel Alvarez was the narrator of Soph-Frosh SING! and lead singer of the opener, a remix of “Alexander Hamilton.” She introduced each character with her bright personality, memorizing an impressive number of lines. Alvarez confidently executed every movement as she moved around the stage and set the scene for the audience.
- Ivy Barnes (Lily Wagman, soph-frosh)
Despite her lack of extensive screen time, Ivy, played by freshman Lily Wagman, was a clear standout performer in Soph-Frosh SING!. Her conflict with her dad’s expectations is undoubtedly relatable for many Stuyvesant students, and Wagman’s acting beautifully portrayed this struggle. Ivy’s blossoming feelings for Princess Azalea were equally well-represented with timid advances and awkward confessions. Even in background conversations, Ivy’s overt joy when speaking to Azalea clearly demonstrated Wagman’s acting caliber.
Honorable mentions: Princess Azalea (Jane No, soph-frosh), Smoking Hot (Margaret Mikhalevsky, juniors)
- Soph-Frosh Opening Scene (soph-frosh)
With their rendition of “Alexander Hamilton,” the soph-frosh opening set the stage for the entire show. The song introduced all notable characters and gave necessary context to the show, and it featured sophomore Andrea Wang’s stunning vocals as Queen Lilith. The incredible performance undoubtedly highlighted the immense prowess of Soph-Frosh SING!.
- Dragging Skylar’s Body (juniors)
After Skylar was strangled to death by a vine, his limp body was comically dragged across the stage by an FBI agent, played by junior Daniel Murdoch. The scene was a slapstick inclusion that drew laughter from the crowd.
- Cameo of “Earth, Wind & Fire” (juniors)
Each time “earth, wind, fire, and water” was uttered, Ms. Brandan, Mr. Ramirez, and Mr. Portales rhythmically stepped across the front of the stage as the band “Earth, Wind & Fire.” What made it notable was how unexpected and random their quick dance across the stage was. The trio added a hilarious pause and were smoothly integrated into the competitive scenes between the cabins.
- King Andrias Performing “Uptown Funk” (soph-frosh)
To fuel his massive ego and herald in another extravagant party within the kingdom of Staten Island, freshman David Son as King Andrias starred in his own musical act, complete with twerking and backup dancers.
- Envy Saving Wrath (seniors)
Wrath and Envy, played by Ben Balodis and Andrea Naylwaljko, warmed all of our hearts when Envy decided not to kill her lifelong enemy, Pride, to obtain the antidote of a poison administered to Wrath.
Honorable Mentions: Wrath’s positive affirmations (seniors), Lucifer’s booming voice (seniors), “Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss” banner (soph-frosh)
- “My crystal ball predicts that the seniors will have a cast director!” —Dumbledore (Frayn Colyn Navales, soph-frosh)
- “[Dumbledore] predicted that my husband would cheat on me, and that he did! With my mother!” —Woman (soph-frosh)
- “An antidote is like protection. And you should always use protection.” —Lust (Oliver Hollmann, seniors)
- “Hey, from now on, you refer to me as ‘girlboss.’” —King Andrias (David Son, soph-frosh)
- “Is your name Scarlett O’Hara? Because when I saw you, my heart was gone with the wind.” —Skylar (David Jiang, juniors)
- “It’s not that hard to untangle, unlike the Junior SING! rope.” —Dumbledore (Frayn Colyn Navales, soph-frosh)
- “One time, he threatened to send me to summer camp with a bunch of elemental weirdos.” —Ivy Barnes (Lily Wagman, soph-frosh)
- “Our next game was supposed to be King of the Court but I think acting like SophFrosh would make this situation wayyy worse…” —Smoking Hot (Margaret Mikhalevsky, juniors)
- “My cake! Why would you do that!? It's so fragile, like Senior Slate’s ego!” —King Andrias (David Son, soph-frosh)
- “Sorry, I was just copying this down for Senior SING!’s script.” —Prisoner (Dylan Ross, soph-frosh)
- Senior Makeup
Everyone looked fabulous on stage, as senior makeup’s work stunned the crowd. Colorful eyeshadow, Greed’s gold mask, and Envy’s deep green lipstick were some of the highlights. These makeup displays were some of the best in recent history, with the makeup bringing life to the characters.
- Senior Lights and Sound
From the very start, senior lights and sound did a fantastic job, shining the spotlight on each sin in the opening scene and adding a dramatic effect to the show. The sound system was flawless, and the lights heightened the show experience.
- Soph-Frosh Tech
Soph-frosh tech’s wonderful set made the Royal Court atmosphere feel complete, with additions including King Andrias’s comically large throne, a massive boiling pot in the kitchen, and a fully-lit hanging chandelier.
- Senior Costumes
From Envy’s dress to Wrath’s leather jacket, senior costumes did a wonderful job. The deep tones and themed outfits were gorgeously styled, making the perfectly fitted garments a clear standout of Senior SING!.
- Soph-Frosh Costumes
With amazing costumes for Theodore (sophomore Dylan Ross) and Ivy (freshman Lily Wagman), soph-frosh costumes certainly did not fail to impress during this year’s SING!. The whole royal court was decked out in elegant costumes and fit the whole theme perfectly, making the costumes the cherry on top of a wonderful Soph-Frosh SING! season.
Honorable Mentions: senior props, junior art
- Alexander Hamilton (soph-frosh)
- Kahoot Lobby Music (seniors)
- Dusk Till Dawn (juniors)
- Feeling Good (soph-frosh)
- Smooth Criminal (seniors)
Honorable mentions: Into You (seniors), Ghostbusters (seniors)
- Thursday: Tangled Rope (juniors)
During the tug-of-war contest between the Wind and Fire cabins in Junior SING!, the rope they had planned to use was given to them completely tangled. Thankfully, there was some good improvisation that saved the show. Except for when some Soph-Frosh scouts in the crowd saw…
- Friday: Jester Not Coming on Stage (soph-frosh)
At the end of Soph-Frosh SING!, Theodore Pesto Pinderson was stuck in a cage alone, waiting for the jester to come for their scene. He made the best of a bad situation and improvised well, stirring chuckles in the audience. The jester was supposed to come out but got stuck in the makeup room, resulting in an altered closing scene.
- Friday: “ENOUGH!” (seniors)
Mr. Wan made a cameo appearance in Senior SING! on Friday but ended up saying his line a bit too early in what was a funny moment. He said “ENOUGH” and then quickly apologized, but the microphone still caught it.
- Thursday: The Unchanging Scoreboard (juniors)
Throughout the many competitions between the cabins in Junior SING!, such as tug-of-war and boat racing, the scoreboard was never updated and remained at zero despite there being victories.
- Friday: Dropped Peach (soph-frosh)
The peach prop fell on the stage in the beginning of the show and was picked up subtly by an extra. It was a slightly amusing moment, as the thud on stage was unexpected. Otherwise, Soph-Frosh SING! was largely successful.
- Agni and Claire
Agni and Claire, played by juniors Dinah-Luba Beylison and Arshia Mazumdar respectively, were the clear winners of this category. From their opening scene, in which they pledged to always stay friends, to Agni picking Claire up after Tug-of-War to Claire’s confession of love, the duo clearly had infinite love for each other, unquestionably making them the best dynamic duo.
- Ivy and Azalea
Ivy and Azalea, played by freshmen Lily Wagman and Jane No, were an incredibly wholesome relationship to watch on stage. Their awkward interactions and obvious affection were reminiscent of teenage love, and while one cringed while watching the show, one could not help but root for their relationship. Their song, “Child of the Moon,” effectively represented the power of this duo, with a beautiful rendition of their parallel dilemmas.
- Wrath and Envy
Seniors Ben Balodis and Andrea Naylwaljko, playing Wrath and Envy, weren’t the most expected duo from the outset, but they managed to warm all of our hearts. During one of the final scenes, Envy does the unpredictable and decides to save Wrath, capturing many “aw’s” from the audience.
- Gluttony and Lust
If Wrath and Envy were the most heartwarming duo in Senior SING!, Gluttony and Lust, played by seniors Clarice Chang and Oliver Hollmann, were the most engaging. The contrast between their equal unlikeability and undisputed passion for each other made it impossible for anyone to take their eyes off the pair. In particular, their duet of “Sway” was especially eye-catching.
- Mr. Citron and Ms. Maggio
From teaching senior science electives to freshman AP courses, Mr. Citron and Ms. Maggio have taught many Stuyvesant alumni. Making a surprise appearance at the beginning of Soph-Frosh SING!, this eccentric duo dragged Theodore (Dylan Ross) across the stage into jail and made sure to drop some nerdy jokes along the way.
Honorable Mentions: Pain and Panic (Pimada Phongsuriya and Emily Young-Squire, seniors), Geraldine and Queen Lilith (Ashvica Sinha and Andrea Wang, soph-frosh)