Rewatching familiar movies provides psychological comfort and reduces cognitive effort, helping individuals manage stress and emotional strain through the reinforcement of neural pathways.
Issue 3, Volume 115
Neuroscientific research shows that our brain's reward pathways are activated by familiar musical patterns, and personality traits and values also align with specific music genres, making music a deeply personal and emotional experience.
Issue 17, Volume 114
Handwriting notes has been consistently shown to promote better learning, memory retention, and information recall compared to typing, as it engages the brain more actively in the encoding process, facilitating improved connectivity across brain regions and ultimately enhancing academic performance.
Issue 13, Volume 114
Using positive language instead of negative language can greatly impact our mindset, well-being, and productivity by activating motivational centers in the brain and reducing stress.
Issue 11, Volume 114
The connection between scents and emotions explores how our sense of smell can significantly influence our mood and well-being. There are many uses of odors ranging from creating personal experiences to marketing strategies.
Issue 10, Volume 114
The idea that the organic label always means environmentally friendly is questioned by the ongoing debate about how organic farming affects the environment. Even though organic farming tries to avoid artificial pesticides and make soil healthier, recent research shows we need a careful approach that considers both helping the environment and producing food efficiently, especially as more people pick organic products.
Issue 9, Volume 114