
Stuyvesant Junior Caucus Hosts a Slime Making Event

The Stuyvesant Junior Caucus hosted a slime event to help students de-stress during AP testing.

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In the midst of AP season, the Stuyvesant Junior Caucus hosted a slime-making event for students to de-stress with friends on May 17. Over 100 students signed up for the event, in which participants from all grade levels were able to personalize their slimes and take their gooey creations home. 

While brainstorming ideas for the caucus’s next event, the directors turned to their own experiences with slime. “We also got inspiration from our Events Department’s own childhood experiences and memories with making slime, [which was] a trend during our youth,” Junior Caucus Co-President Grace Rhee said. 

The idea of a slime event came to life spontaneously. “At first, we were just joking about it —me, Grace, and Preena—because we were talking about how we used to make slime when we were kids, and then we had a meeting about it and actually started planning it. Then it became a slime meeting, so we planned this event,” Junior Caucus Events Director Emily Li said. 

The Junior Caucus’s primary goal in hosting this event was to provide an outlet for students stressed by AP testing. “We did plan to host the slime event in May because we wanted everybody to de-stress, especially because it was AP season,” Li said.

At the start of the event, Junior Caucus Events member Preena Patel gave a demonstration on how to make slime so attendees could make slime on their own without any prior knowledge. Then, the caucus provided accessories for students to customize their slime in various ways. “We [started] to give out the decorations, like we [had] different slime charms, we also [had] clear and white glue slime. People [in] the Junior Caucus [went] around and [added] food coloring to slime,” Li said. “Everybody [added] customized ingredients.”

Ensuring the safety of the participants was also of utmost importance to the Events Department, given that some of the slime ingredients could be harmful if mishandled. The team implemented safety measures by having paper towels, baby wipes, and tablecloths on hand. “Our biggest concern was the borax and everything like that, so we had Preena—she is really experienced with slime. She was the one who made all the activator and borax,” Li said. 

Caucus members were assigned as helpers or “slime chefs,” to assist with the slime-making process. “Some students over-activated their slimes, but the structure of our event accounted for this, with our event members being ‘slime chefs’ who were ready to help,” Rhee said.

Although there were volunteers to help throughout the event, the slime was messy for some. “I think it did get a little messy, so for next time I’d recommend aprons and other safety gear to make sure slime doesn’t get everywhere,” junior Krishi Shah said in an email interview. 

There also seemed to be issues with time to set up the event. “There were small concerns initially, because we had only period 10 to set all of the materials up,” Rhee said. “We ended up having to push back the start time by 15 minutes.”

Despite minor setbacks, many students were excited for the event—eager to participate and invoke childhood memories. “My friends and I had an amazing time, and it was something we’d been looking forward to all week,” Shah said. “I used to love slime as a kid and just grew out of it at some point, but to relive those childhood memories felt great.” 

Other participants expressed interest in attending events similar in nature in the future. “I had a lot of fun and will most likely attend this event again in the future,” freshman Marc Haddad said in an email interview. 

Overall, the slime-making event was successful with a turnout of about 40 participants. The organizers remain optimistic and hope to host more events to bring the student body together during stressful times. “The experience was definitely enjoyable, and we want to have another event like this again—maybe next year at the end of first-semester finals week,” Rhee said.