Q&A With NY1 Features Reporter Roger Clark About His Broadcasting Career
Q&A with NY1 Features reporter Roger Clark about his broadcasting career
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Name: Roger Clark
Age: 56
Graduation year: 1985
Occupation: Reporter
Bio: Clark always knew he wanted to be involved in broadcasting, working in The Spectator’s Sports department and pivoting to radio hosting throughout college at Syracuse University. As a NY1 Features reporter, he now covers events and interviews all over the city, hosting on-air segments four days a week.
1. What are some interesting stories or interviews that you’ve conducted on air?
I remember one of the first famous people I interviewed was the actress Sigourney Weaver, who was in Ghostbusters and a pretty famous actress. I just remember thinking to myself, how did this happen? It was just weird. I don’t do that many celebrity interviews, but that was really cool. [...] I’ve gotten a chance to go to spring training with the Mets, my favorite baseball team, and interview them. I’ve been in the locker rooms for all the baseball and the football and hockey teams. That’s always exciting for me.
2. What are your favorite aspects of being a Features reporter?
The thing with being a Features reporter is you kind of do a little bit of everything, so I never get too jaded about anything. I think if I covered sports every day, I might get a little jaded, but instead, [...] if the Mets were in the playoffs and they send [me] to Citi Field, [...] there’s a little kid in me who’s like, “Oh crap, I can’t believe I’m in the Mets’ locker room.” [...] If I’m at a new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, it’s only me in there with my camera. We’re so spoiled. We get the whole place to ourselves, and we can read every panel between segments.
3. What are some interviews you’ve been working on recently?
Today, I did a small business story and I got to meet a Stuyvesant graduate [Jiyoon Han]. She owns Bean & Bean Coffee. [...] I shot something in the Museum of the City of New York. They have a gingerbread competition. [Competitors create] giant versions of iconic New York City landmarks, which is really cool. So, a lot of different stuff over the past week.
4. What are your responsibilities as a reporter?
In the old days, I just used to show up in the morning and they would tell me where I was going. I would put a piece together that would be edited by someone else; it was shot by a photographer who was with me, and that would be the end of my day. Now, I plan, write, shoot, and edit all my own pieces. I’m doing four pieces a week, I’m on the air four mornings a week on the morning show, and, with [a] few exceptions, [segments are] all my story ideas.