
Oversized Kinfolk Applications

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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By Darren Liang

Welcome to the Oversized Kinfolk application. As an oversized kin, you are expected to uphold all of our 229 pillars (including perpetually smiling, being honest yet positive about life at Stuy, and attending the Oversized-Kinfolk-Undersized-Kinfolk-Dance-with-a funky-theme against your will).


Why do you think you’d be a good oversized kin?

My friends have always told me I’m a straight-up scholar, so I feel like I have to share some of my wisdom with the younger scholars. I also have huge traps from my experience with hardcore junior varsity baseball, (which has its first home game at Pier 40 in three and a half months so GET HYPEE) meaning I definitely think I would be able to hold up all 229 pillars.

List 5 of Your Extracurriculars

Straight up grinding: Stuy 2020 lol
Yung shooting: 6 pfps per week, 3,000 accounts per year.
Staying woke: 24/7 all year round, bro
Halal cart food tour guide: Only when it’s nice out
Getting into vicious political battles on Facebook: Only when mom lets me use the computer

Describe your favorite moment with your oversized kinfolk.

This one time, my oversized kin told me about all the ways I could enrich my mind while at Stuy by using the tools around me, such as: college-educated teachers, ARISTA peer tutoring, our state-of-the-art library, and the wide variety of extracurriculars. The other option, of course, was to cut class and juul with the sophomores. We both laughed, knowing what I would definitely end up doing. What a tender moment.

Imagine you are speaking to your undersized kinfolk on the first day of school. What advice would you give them based on your own experience at Stuy?

LOL turn around and leave.

In all seriousness, don’t get addicted to your phone. Stay off Snapchat, Instagram, and most of all the Subway app because nothing is worse than being addicted to checking for optimal routes. I’m still in recovery. Luckily, the aggressive signs which have been posted on every available square inch of wall at Stuy, reminding me that my phone is more dangerous than a loaded gun, have been helping me a lot.

But who knows, maybe you’ll make it through unscathed. Maybe you’ll be valedictorian, maybe you’ll drop out a week before graduation, or maybe you’ll look back on these years and smile. Maybe it’s Maybelline.

How would you encourage your undersized kinfolk to get involved in extracurriculars?

Honestly, I only care about robotics and terracycle. As long as everything goes in the right bin, it doesn’t matter what they do after school. Unfortunately, I learned a few weeks into freshman year that ‘Battery After 10th’ is not an extracurricular, even though it technically does take place after 10th period and could potentially be a school-sponsored event. Neither are Complaining During 10th and Sleeping During Third, although these are common Stuyvesant student activities. I wouldn’t want my undersized kinfolk to make the same mistakes I did.

Describe something funny or embarrassing that has happened to you at Stuy.

This year, I really went all out with academics while trying to hang out with friends, exercise for one hour per day, eat according to FDA standards, smile, drink two liters of water per day, and have skin that bounces back naturally. These attempts were altogether the funniest things to happen all year.