
Letter from the Editor

An introduction to The Spectator's College Issue from the Editors-in-Chief.

Reading Time: 1 minute

Dear Readers,

Stuyvesant is infamous for its pressure-cooker environment, where students fixate on grades, tests, and extracurriculars. In many respects, this assertion is true, where the mindset on attending an elite college starts by the time students enter Stuyvesant as freshmen. We feel that our fates are handed to us as we open our acceptance, deferral, and rejection letters––our lives sealed away at the ripe old age of 17.

From analyzing college statistics to interviewing alumni and teachers—some of whom attended Stuyvesant—the Editorial Board dove into the admissions process and college culture at Stuyvesant to curate The Spectator’s College Issue. As a school, we’ve let the allure of Ivy League universities dominate our conversations and future prospects for far too long. It’s time to get real about college and admissions at Stuyvesant.

–Morris Raskin and Karen Zhang
