
First Student Elected as SLT Chair

Jack Cruse has been named co-chair of the SLT, the first student in this position.

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Senior Jack Cruse has been elected the 2017-2018 co-chair of the the School Leadership Team (SLT). He is the first student to ever serve in this position. Social studies teacher Linda Weissman is Cruse’s co-chair. Cruse already serves as Student Union (SU) representative for the SLT.

The SLT is comprised of parent representatives from each grade, administrators, and a student representative, who gather monthly to discuss issues at Stuyvesant and propose changes. This year, because of the resignation of former chair and senior parent representative Julie Brown, the chair position was open. “Normally other teachers or parents will take [the position] on because it is a lot of work. This year, I put my name in the ring,” Cruse said.

The chair is chosen by the SLT members by vote. “[At] the first meeting, they hold open elections, in which someone can nominate themselves or someone else, and you have a vote on it,” Cruse said.

The chairs of the SLT set the agendas and take minutes for each meeting. “I help decide what is going to be talked about at meetings and meet with [Principal Eric] Contreras,” Cruse said. “I think once we have it down to a rhythm, [there] won't be that much added to the regular SLT duties.”

As SU representative, Cruse gives students a voice in SLT meetings. Cruse, with the assistance of his alternate junior Joshua Weiner, meets with caucuses to discuss changes desired by students and presents them to the SLT.

Cruse believes that having a student hold the role of chair will bring more issues to attention. “Students want to talk about certain issues, such as PSAL frees, or how last year we wanted to come back in earlier when it was really cold, but it would be hard to get them on the agenda,” he said. “If there is ever a really pressing issue for the school, I can modify [the agenda].”

Many students are pleased about Cruse’s new position. “I think it’s great [Cruse] is the co-chair of the SLT. Students should [be more involved] because we are the ones who are actually being affected by all of the changes,” junior Lauren Ng said.

Cruse is excited about this new challenge. “I just hope that this will help change Stuy and make it better for students,” he said.