
Athletes of the Issue: Touché

Two members of the boys’ fencing team, Albert Zhang and Alex Lin, give the 101 on what it’s like to be a high school fencer.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Among the numerous teams in Stuyvesant, the boys’ fencing team, unofficially called the Untouchables, is one of the few that consistently performs well. For the past three seasons, they have been undefeated in their division, with a perfect record of 10-0 in each one. Though eliminated in an earlier round of the playoff game than they would have preferred last year, the team hopes to do better this year and place higher. The Spectator interviewed two members, Albert Zhang and Alex Lin, to hear about their fencing skills, how they balance their academics, and fun facts.

Albert Zhang

Grade: Senior

Height: 6’2”

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

DOB: 09/02/2001

1. How did you get into fencing?

Fencing seemed like a really cool sport!

2. How long have you been on the Stuyvesant team?

Three years.

3. Do you fence outside of school?

Yes, we strongly suggest everyone on the team to fence outside of schools at fencing clubs.

4. What are your aspirations for this PSAL season?

To keep the streak going and to improve my fencing skills.

5. Explain the coolest trick you can do while fencing.

One of the harder things to do in fencing, the coolest thing I can do, is scoring a point by getting a touch on my opponent’s hand. It’s pretty hard to do because the hand is the most guarded part of the body, so it’s one of the coolest.

6. What’s the funniest thing that has happened while you’ve been on the team?

There’s a technique in fencing called a flèche. In basic terms, it’s a transfer of weight from the back foot to the front. Usually, this technique takes three or fewer steps and the point should be made. However, in a bout, I managed to force my opponent from one end of the strip to the other end just with a flèche. I took a three step action to a 10 step action.

7. Which of your teammates is the funniest?

This dude named Alex Lin. Don’t really know him that well but he seems to be a really ATTRACTIVE and funny guy! He’s a great dancer and is never shy to show anyone his infamous “Whip and Nae Nae.” I don’t know how he does it, but he’s really good! Definitely ask him to demonstrate.

8. Proudest moment?

Winning second in the citywide championships in 2017.

9. How do you balance schoolwork and being on a team? What advice can you give others?

Practices are pretty long so I take any chance I get to finish homework before practice starts. During my lunch and my free periods, I spend my time doing homework from classes taken earlier in the day. This way, when I get home after practice, the load would be lightened and there would be less homework to do at home.

10. How do you try to constantly improve yourself?

I keep going to club and look for my own mistakes and fix them.

Choice drink: Water

Favorite food: Fried chicken

Motto to live by: Go big or go home.

Fun fact: I used to do ballet.

Alex Lin

Grade: Junior

Height: 5’9”

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

DOB: 09/17/2002

1. How did you get into fencing?

I mean, who doesn't like to play with swords?

2. How long have you been on the Stuyvesant team?

Only one year so far.

3. Do you fence outside of school?

Yes! At New York Fencing Academy.

4. What are your aspirations for this PSAL season?

Hopefully to be able to play as many games as possible and represent the team as best as I can.

5. Explain the coolest trick you can do while fencing.

The coolest trick has to be a parry flick to the back. I have to admit I personally haven't achieved such a feat, but seeing other teammates do it makes me very jealous. Basically, when an opponent attacks, you would block his or her blade with your own and then in a fraction of a second curve your own blade onto your opponent’s back torso. A very cool but difficult move.

6. What’s the funniest thing that has happened while you’ve been on the team?

Actually, it's a very embarrassing story; basically, my sneakers had air cushions in the soles designed to be easier on the feet. So during practice one day, the sole popped and there was a leak. So every time I took a step there would be a very loud and audible wheezing sound, where air would flow in and out of the shoe. During the entire practice it was just the sound of my teammates straining to do drills… and the occasional wheezing followed by massive laughter. One captain even said, “We can tell how fast Alex’s pitter patter (a certain footwork drill) is by how many whoo’s his shoes make.”

7. Which of your teammates is the funniest?

Albert Zhang of course.

8. Proudest moment?

My proudest moment was probably when I assembled my very own blade for the first time. I get that same sense of adrenaline rush as you would by assembling a bicycle or skateboard. By the time I broke my second blade, I knew I couldn’t screw up a third time. After countless tries, I was able to get the circuits right, and I was so glad I took the time to do so. It was like completing a personal project. I know everything that happens from there on out is because of my own actions. And I'm proud to take responsibility for that.

9. How do you balance schoolwork and being on a team? What advice can you give others?

I usually start my assignments as soon as possible when given time to do so. Which obviously doesn't mean sacrificing lunch to crunch down on homework. I would advise to set up a mental schedule; it basically all comes down to self control. Should you be napping in your free period, or should you be working on your English essay?

10. How do you try to constantly improve yourself?

I'm always looking for new ways to improve or adjust myself. I always squeeze enough time for a quick practice. Constructive criticism is also very important factor for me to learn and grow.

Choice drink: Aloe drinks

Favorite food: Chicken nuggets

Motto to live by: Always treat yourself like you are the human equivalent of the 100 percent emoji.

Fun fact: I was actually born in the Netherlands (What!? Crazy, I know).

[a]Note to layout: The e must have an accent and we must must have photos of the two of them!!